Thursday, May 7, 2009


Okay, I finally have internet. It's not the greatest either so you have to have patience with my posting. It may take a couple days to get everything. But I will start from the beginning.

Well, we left so early in the morning I did not actually take this picture until it was later. I think we finally left by 1:30 a.m. or so. But here we are on the road.

Finally after about 14-15 hours of driving straight we saw this. But we still had an hour or so to go, to get to the ferry port. Yet we were so excited to be so close to not having to drive anymore.

Finally, we are at the port in Bellingham, WA. We were going to have to go up through Canada, but Del Sol needed us up there sooner so we had to catch the ferry in WA. Which was fine by us because that meant less driving. YIPPY! The first ferry in the video is the one we got on. The rest of the boats were in the same port with it. The ferry we got on is the biggest one they have and fits over a hundred cars in it. It was huge!


Katie Warner said...

I'm glad you made it! I'll be excited to see more pictures.

I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to you! I hope you have a wonderful time in Alaska though.